Student Spotlight

Helen Tran (farthest on the left)
3rd-year Environmental Science major and members of her research group

Ryan Stoddard, 4th-year Architecture major


"My favorite aspect of undergraduate research is the ability to work and collaborate with a bright group of people with whom I share a unique goal and focus. I really enjoy learning new concepts with my classmates in our various courses, but research offers a completely different mode of exploration. While it can certainly sometimes lead to frustration, what makes research so interesting is the fact that there are no right answers..."

Austin Shoemaker - President of Undergraduate Research Ambassadors

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)

UROP offers the structure, resources, incentives, and encouragement you need to work hands-on with faculty, campus partners, and other undergraduate students to explore big challenges and questions.
Visit the UROP Website to find more about undergraduate research.

Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP)

The VIP Program is a transformative educational model that engages both undergraduate and graduate students in extensive, multidisciplinary projects under faculty leadership, continuously refined over twenty years.
Visit the Vertically Integrated Projects website to find more about undergraduate research.


Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) integrate authentic research into the undergraduate curriculum, expanding students’ access to this high-impact practice. 
Visit the Transformative Teaching & Learning Faculty Initiatives page to find out more about CUREs. 


Walk-up locations

Visit one of our walk-up locations on campus.


Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons, 205J


266 4th St NW, Atlanta 30332


Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm



Vertically Integrated Projects Office


266 Ferst Drive NW, Atlanta, GA - Georgia 30332


Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm



